Employee Appreciation Boosts Engagement

This quote from Maya Angelou really resonates with me, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

That is my goal as a leader, to have a lasting impact on the people I’ve worked with. We may not remember the particular issues we troubleshoot or the strategic challenges we have run into, but ensuring that someone leaves your office/pod/desk feeling like they can accomplish anything is the goal. Keeping employees engaged, feeling appreciated and valued, will keep them doing great work for you for years to come.

Employees truly are a company’s number one asset. If you keep your employees engaged, it will pay dividends down the road. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your clients, and then everyone will be happy. With that in mind, this Friday (March 3rd) marks Employee Appreciation Day.

There are many ways that you can acknowledge and recognize employees. Some of these possibilities may be dependent on budget, and what you may or may not have planned for in your fiscal planning process. You can be as elaborate or as simple as you would like, I would just recommend that it be a meaningful gesture. You could handwrite a note of thanks, give a gift card to a favorite restaurant or store, go on a Starbucks or Sonic beverage run, or provide the team with breakfast or lunch.

The key here is to do something for them that has taken a bit of thought on your part. Your effort will be noted, either way. Make it as customized as possible, too, but not too cheesy or hokey. That will show that you truly appreciate their efforts and have taken the time to really know and understand them at an individual level.

Acknowledging the great work that your employees do on a day-in and day-out basis is very important when it comes to keeping employees engaged. Only doing this once per year, though, is not a great practice. Creating a culture of appreciation will make your team members operate more effectively and feel internally motivated to do great work for you, and therefore your clients, as well.

How will you be celebrating Employee Appreciation Day this week?

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